
10/28/2017 - Second page of the new chapter is up!

10/14/2017 - Final page of the prologue is up! That means anyone who has been with us since the beginning, new content is coming soon!

9/23/2017 - New page is up! Only three more pages left in this chapter.

9/16/2017 - Apologize for the later than usual upload, but we were at a convention for a local convention for most of the day. Had an awesome time, thirteenth page is up now though.

9/2/2017 - Eleventh page is up. Only six more pages until this chapter is done!

8/19/2017 - Ninth page is up, and Travis Cowan finally speaks!

8/5/2017 - Seventh page is up!

7/29/2017 - Sixth page is up, steadily getting back through the redone pages!

6/23/2017 - We're back! New first page is up, all the pages are done so expect an update every weekend!

Updating every Saturday!

All the times you've ever wondered what if, what if you didn't have to anymore? Travis Cowan suddenly found himself reliving past choices in his dreams, experiencing the difference it would have made. It was an amazing experience at first, until the first time he died...

The graphic novel starts off in the psychiatric facility where Travis is now institutionalized, he's being visited by a clinical psychologist. It actually begins following and introducing her, and it will swap mostly back and forth between her perspective and Travis's. Each comic page will have a story section beneath it, wherein will be contained a snippet of the description of the scene and dialogue from the novel version that covers the page you're currently viewing. (Working on it at the same time as the graphic novel)

Travis Cowan

Melanie Prudence

Steven Potts - Fleeting Infinity
Anthony Pierman - Anomalous Insect

© 2025 - Cowan's Crux

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